In Brittany

More than 50 minutes by car, here are some unmissable activities and places to spend the day.

The Door of Secrets in Paimpont

Discover the tales and legends of Brocéliande.

In the heart of Brocéliande, the “Porte des Secrets” show trail offers a sensory immersion in the mysterious world of the forest. Thanks to the magical effects and decorations, discover the different facets of the Brocéliande forest, its legends, its magic and its poetry…

Photo : Karvindo


La Gacilly

La Gacilly, a charming flowery village in Morbihan, is home to the Yves Rocher house, its immersive museum, its show trail and its restaurant. But not only … ! The photo festival too! Notice to amateurs, it takes place from June to September each year. Large format photos, signed by renowned artists or amateur image hunters, are exhibited outdoors.


The Branféré Animal, Botanical and Parcabout Park in Guerno

Escape to the heart of the multi-centenary Branféré botanical park and meet 1,200 free-ranging animals from 5 continents (lemurs, zebras, oryx, red pandas, gibbons, pygmy hippos, maned wolves, Asian otters, pink flamingos… ). Don’t miss the bird show, the giraffes of the African plain and the rhinos of the Indian valley. Take the time to observe the seals underwater thanks to the aquavision pool in the marine area.

Discover the Parcabout : 3500m2 of nets in the trees for family fun and freedom of movement up to 13 meters high. Take advantage of the many activities at the Nicolas Hulot School to better understand nature.

Branféré, a place of wonder, discovery and games for an unforgettable day surrounded by nature.


Location de dernières minutes


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Voici nos dernières disponibilités à partir du 26 juillet :


Kota Ginkgo Biloba (2/4 personnes) = libre du 29 juillet au 06 août et à partir du 29/08

Chalet Passiflora (6 personnes) = libre du 26/07 au 03/08, du 10 au 24/08

Chalet Castanea (5 personnes) = libre du 27/07 au 02/08

 Chalet Oxalis (6 personnes) = libre du  03 au 11/08 et à partir du 24/08

Mobil-home Corylus (4 à 6 personnes) = libre entre le 26/07 et le 03/08 et du 22 au 26/08

Mobil-home Calluna (4 personnes) = libre du 26/07 au 03/08

Mobil-home Abelia (5 personnes) = libre du 1er au 03/08

Mobil-home Rubia (4 personnes) = libre du 03 au 07/08

Mobil-home Althea (5 personnes) = libre à partir du 24/08

Lodge OLEA  (5 personnes) = libre du 30/07 au 05/08, du 09 au 11/08 et du 23 au 25/08

Lodge TILIA (5 personnes) = libre du 03 au 05/08 et du 15 au 17/08

Lodge ASTER  (5 personnes) = libre du 20 au 23/08 et à partir du 28/08


Et toujours nos petits hébergements insolites louables à la nuitée (de 2 à 4 personnes) :

Mini-Kota BETULA

Bivouac BAMBOU

Roulotte SEQUOIA

Cabadienne CACTUS


Sans oublier nos amis campeurs, encore des dispos sur les emplacements nus !


N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour avoir plus de renseignements : 09 81 12 73 42

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