Culture and Heritage

Discover Morbihan through the richness of its culture and heritage.

Submarine, museum of fantastic imaginary arts or incredible construction of the Ferrailleur Poet can be on the program of your visits. Without forgetting the unmissable castles and the many chapels open to the public for lovers of old stone.

We have selected a few sites that arouse curiosity and are worth visiting.

In Camors

  • The Napoleon Express

Take a seat aboard the Pontivy <> Lambel-Camors tourist train and experience an unforgettable crossing in the heart of Morbihan but also an incredible journey through time.


The Napoleon Express tourist train will be back on the rails at the beginning of July in the Blavet valley for the 2024 summer season.

Traffic will begin on Wednesday July 3, 2024 and end on Sunday September 8. Trains run on Wednesdays and Sundays (morning and afternoon). Stops are at Saint Nicolas des Eaux, Saint Rivalain, Quistinic and Lambel-Camors (terminus).

The opening of online ticketing on the Internet from Thursday June 1st. Information and reservations on the CFCB website : , on board trains, from partner Tourist Offices and at the Pontivy station ticket counter.


Napoleon Express brochure here


  • Au Sabot Camorien : Know-how and tradition

Le Sabot Camorien invites you to contact its manager Jean Boutros to find out more about the manufacture of clogs.

47 Rue de la Forêt in Camors

Tel : 02 97 39 28 64

In Baud

  • Postcard museum, the “Carton voyageur”, traces the history of the postcard from yesterday to today.

  • The Venus of Quinipily and her gardens : strange ancient statue of uncertain pagan origins. We appreciate its romantic gardens during a stroll.

The Lorient / Port-Louis sector is home to maritime-themed museums

  • The Eric Tabarly sailing city in Lorient offers to immerse you in a fun and informative way in the world of sailing and offshore racing.

  • Come discover the life of sailors aboard a French army combat submarine. The Flore S645 submarine and its museum in Lorient promise you an unforgettable visit.

  • The National Maritime Museum and the East India Company Museum in Port-Louis retrace the history of the French navy and the epic route to the Indies.

Between Josselin and Malestroit

In a completely different register, explore the world of  “Le Poète Ferrailleur” in Lizio : Animated sculptures, useless machines, offbeat architecture, gardens, films, games, eco-housing, everything is humor, magic and emotion. From automata to unusual objects, including musical fountains and wind totems, the world of the DIY poet is truly a surprising site.


To stay in the unusual (and in Lizio), the insectarium offers you an immersion in the fascinating world of insects and their predator.

Small towns of character

Rochefort-en-Terre Contemplate its ramparts, its castle and its ancient residences. Admirably flowery, the town comes alive all year round with pretty boutiques, galleries and artisan stalls. The city was voted “favorite village of the French” in 2016. The Naiä Museum, located in the courtyard of the castle, is a unique place in Europe. Museum-gallery where paintings, sculptures, photographs, comics are exhibited. Develop curiosity, make people dream, provoke emotions, invite imagination and open-mindedness, such is the primary intention of the museum.


Josselin : Maze of streets with a medieval design. Picturesque half-timbered houses, granite, schist, earth… Gardens nestled in the shelter of a low wall… Craftsmen’s stalls or artists’ studios… The imposing towers of the castle are reflected in the Oust. Owned by the Rohans, one of the oldest families in Brittany, it is the symbol of this pretty town.


GuémenésurScorff Small town of Character, is bathed by the Scorff river. On the banks, elegant houses rub shoulders with manor houses, chapels, fountains… and the heritage of the princes of Rohan-Guémené. Its artisanal andouille production is known to all charcuterie lovers.

In Bignan, two sites highlight culture and history

The Kerguehennec estate, this exceptional place combines art, architecture and landscape. The castle and its 18th and 19th century outbuildings are set in the heart of a 45-hectare landscaped park.

The castle is under construction until 2027. The gardens can be visited.

The house of the Chouans of Kerdel, in a thatched cottage, traces the history of the Morbihannaise chouannerie in the 19th century.

For a medieval escape, the castle of Suscinio in Sarzeau and the fortress of Largoët in Elven, transport you to the heart of the Middle Ages

The impressive fortress of Suscinio invites you to experience a day of change of scenery and discovery. In turn, a Benedictine priory, a manor house, a princely palace, the residence of the Dukes of Brittany… Behind its ramparts, the castle recounts more than 800 years of eventful history. Corridors, walkways, panoramic views of the ocean…

Emerging in the middle of the woods, the monumental ruins of the keep of the Largoët fortress (14th century) and the majestic round tower (15th century) are peacefully reflected in the pond which borders them. The colossal dimensions of the octagonal keep, the magnificent ornamental stones, the numerous comfort elements make it a marvel of medieval military architecture.

Chapels and villages, locks and lock houses have been established on the banks of the Blavet

Worthy of a postcard landscape, in Bieuzy, the small Saint Gildas chapel is built in the hollow of a rock and is reflected in the waters of the Blavet.

In Saint-Nicolas-des-eaux, the small village climbs the hill. The Saint-Nicolas chapel and its fountain are surrounded by pretty old houses, sometimes covered with thatch.

A few kilometers away, in the middle of nowhere, the Saint-Nicodème chapel suddenly reveals itself. It’s impossible to miss its openwork spire, so imposing is its size and majesty.

Upstream of the Blavet valley, the pretty town of Pontivy is well worth stopping for a day ! On the program: the imposing medieval castle of Rohan, the corbelled houses of the old town which contrast with the rigor of the Napoleonic buildings and further afield a myriad of small chapels to discover.

Finally, discover the Blavet valley with Art in the chapels. Association whose aim is to promote Breton architectural heritage and contemporary art. During the summer season, set off on an unusual discovery of these artistic creations which will amaze you in these religious places!

Chapelle St Gildas

Location de dernières minutes


Profitez de -10 %



Voici nos dernières disponibilités à partir du 26 juillet :


Kota Ginkgo Biloba (2/4 personnes) = libre du 29 juillet au 06 août et à partir du 29/08

Chalet Passiflora (6 personnes) = libre du 26/07 au 03/08, du 10 au 24/08

Chalet Castanea (5 personnes) = libre du 27/07 au 02/08

 Chalet Oxalis (6 personnes) = libre du  03 au 11/08 et à partir du 24/08

Mobil-home Corylus (4 à 6 personnes) = libre entre le 26/07 et le 03/08 et du 22 au 26/08

Mobil-home Calluna (4 personnes) = libre du 26/07 au 03/08

Mobil-home Abelia (5 personnes) = libre du 1er au 03/08

Mobil-home Rubia (4 personnes) = libre du 03 au 07/08

Mobil-home Althea (5 personnes) = libre à partir du 24/08

Lodge OLEA  (5 personnes) = libre du 30/07 au 05/08, du 09 au 11/08 et du 23 au 25/08

Lodge TILIA (5 personnes) = libre du 03 au 05/08 et du 15 au 17/08

Lodge ASTER  (5 personnes) = libre du 20 au 23/08 et à partir du 28/08


Et toujours nos petits hébergements insolites louables à la nuitée (de 2 à 4 personnes) :

Mini-Kota BETULA

Bivouac BAMBOU

Roulotte SEQUOIA

Cabadienne CACTUS


Sans oublier nos amis campeurs, encore des dispos sur les emplacements nus !


N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour avoir plus de renseignements : 09 81 12 73 42

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